Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Embed a youtube video in your blog

Here are the steps to embed a youtube video in your blog:
  1. Go to

  2. Find a video

  3. Copy the code in the embed box (left click and copy)

  4. Go to your blog and sign in.
  5. Click "new post" in the top right hand corner
  6. Give the post a title.
  7. click "Edit Html"

  8. Paste the code which you copied from youtube into the post box (right click and paste)
  9. Click "Publish Post".
  10. You should end up with something like what I have in the below video.

I'll test everyone on Ohms law after you've posted some videos to your blog!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thing 7

Here's Thing 7. Made using The photo is taken in Brasov in 2007. Very album art!

Immersive video

Once the video has finished buffering drag your mouse around the image to pan the view whilst the video is playing.

Map of Travels

Ok so heres some pop art for the mashup part.

Peles Castle Sinaia Romania

Heres one of my pictures from flickr of Peles Castle in Sinaia Romaina, taken while I was attending a conference in 2007.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Could jogging be bad for you?

Just in from the BBC news website:- French President Nicolas Sarkozy is recovering after collapsing while jogging. So what are the health hazards? Read the full story here:-

Friday, July 24, 2009

Some Dilbert!

Heres some Dilbert. I've also added the feed for some daily entertainment :-)

Buster Poindexter

Hit The Road Jack - cover by Buster Poindexter in 1989

Monday, July 20, 2009

New RSS feeds

Check out the (News for nerds. Stuff that matters) RSS feed on the right and also the MIT youtube channel, who release lectures under the creative commons licence.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Why Poindextrous?

From the urban dictionary poindextrous: To be able to communicate equally well with both nerds and normal people alike (urban dictionary definition).